Dancesation has grown into one of the most well known social studios in Bloemfontein and is the only studio that specializes in such a variety of Dance Genres & Fitness Combinations, all in one studio.
Dancesation offers Dance Classes in - Sokkie / 2 Step / Waltz / Boogie
- Latin American
- Ballroom
- Theatre Arts
- Wedding Choreography
- Flirty Fitness
- Sokkie / 2 Step / Waltz / Boogie
- Latin American
- Ballroom
- Theatre Arts
- Wedding Choreography
- Flirty Fitness
We do everything from group classes, socials, private classes, choreography work, wedding dance, workshops, show cases, exhibitions and function entertainment & health and fitness awareness.
The Dance Studio
The Flirty Fitness Studio
The Fitness Studio
We're not the only ones - happy
- excited
about Dancesation...
- happy
- excited
What Students Say
Eks n huge groot fan van Latinix en het selfs jou 20min klasse op youtube tuis gedoen dis net so jammer hul is so kort en maklik ? julle grill ons bietjie meer in klas en strek lekker lank!
Ons wil net dankie sê vir die goeie diens wat julle lewer. Ek en my verloofde (nou my man) het in Desember 2012 en Januarie 2013 dansklasse by Magda geneem en sy het ons so mooi gehelp en gehelp om ons eerste dans as man en vrou spesiaal en onvergeetlik te maak. Ons het sommer al verskeie van ons vriende wat die jaar trou na julle verwys en sal so aanhou met almal wat ons hoor is op
soek na dansklasse.